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Phase Two: Inventing

In the Inventing Phase, new ideas and potential solutions are generated based on the research and pain points that were identified in the Discovering Phase.

Pain Point 3: High Learning Curve for New Employees: The data within the BSC requires senior-level experience which makes it difficult for new parties and acquisitions to actively understand and participate.

  • David O’Hara mentioned how they don’t have a way of teaching new representatives and acquisitions about their BSC and corporate-level initiatives.

  • When we asked Kevin Baker how they visualize relationships between metrics in the BSC, he said that information lives in the heads of the long terms executives.

Insights: How Might We reduce the high learning curve that comes with understanding Improving’s Balanced Scorecard?

  • After we presented our Mid-Point Meeting to the executives and professors, Professor Mcfarland recommended that we tackle the high learning curve with a Guide or Glossary that would outline all the sections within the BSC. The Guide/Glossary would be aimed to provide new parties with a basic understanding of the BSC.

Solution: Develop a Glossary that would provide a basic understanding of the contents within the BSC.

  • We took Professor Mcfarland’s recommendation and created a basic Training Guide that describes the purpose and a brief description of the sections and features within the Balanced Scorecard dashboard. We also applied this training guide to the newly visualized dashboard that we created.

A visual of the Training Guide

Who, What, Wow:

Improving’s senior to mid-level management can access a standardized training guide to facilitate data interpretation within the Scorecard. 

        The Training Guide was received very well by professor Mcfarland and the rest of the executives at our presentation. They understood that the content within the training guide is something that needs to be written by management because it is the basis of understanding and training for new acquisitions or representatives that are to use the BSC. 

          Quick Overview

Yellow Hat: The Training Guide has high accessibility and can be interpreted by most.

              Black Hat: The Training Guide would have to be created by management only. 

Green Hat: We could add more sections regarding leading and lagging insights and what actions would need to be taken.

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